Sedangkan fungsi dari tembaga adalah berperan dalam kegiatan enzim pernafasan sebagai kofaktor bagi enzim tironase dan sitokromokdiase.
Sumber utama dari tembaga adalah susu dan sereal.
Sumber utama Zinc adalah daging, unggas, telur, ikan, susu, keju, hati, lembaga gandum, ragi, selada, roti dan kacang-kacangan. Sedangkan fungsi Zinc di antaranya adalah :
1.Meningkatkan keaktifan enzim
2.Meningkatkan pertumbuhan
Rabu, 03 Juni 2009
Eat metals to keep our body healthy (continue..)
Fungsi dari iodium di antaranya dalah sebagai komponen esensial tiroksin dan kelenjar tiroid.Kelenjar tiroid terletak di depan leher. Kelenjar ini menghasilkan hormon tiroid yang berfungsi mengendalikan kecepatan metabolisme (fungsi kimia) tubuh. Sumber iodium di antaranya adalah : sayur-sayuran, ikan laut, dan rumput laut.
Fungsi dari iodium di antaranya dalah sebagai komponen esensial tiroksin dan kelenjar tiroid.Kelenjar tiroid terletak di depan leher. Kelenjar ini menghasilkan hormon tiroid yang berfungsi mengendalikan kecepatan metabolisme (fungsi kimia) tubuh. Sumber iodium di antaranya adalah : sayur-sayuran, ikan laut, dan rumput laut.
How alum can clarify the muddy water?
Kebanyakan orang sering menjernihkan air sumur mereka dengan tawas.
Tahukah Anda mengapa tawas bisa menjernihkan air keruh?
I'll try to explain about it....
Air menjadi keruh karena adanya partikel-partikel pencemar. Stabilitas partikel-partikel bahan pencemar ini dapat diganggu dengan pembubuhan koagulan.Tawas (Al(OH)3)di dalam air akan terhidrolisis dan hasil akhir berupa koloid melalui proses koagulasi.Pada penjernihan air, dispersi koloid yang bermuatan positif seperti tawas (ionnya bermuatan positif, Al 3+)ditambahkan ke dalam sol padat yang bermuatan negatif sehingga partikel yang ad di dalamnya mengendap. endapan tersebut baru bisa dipisahkan melalui penyaringan.
Tahukah Anda mengapa tawas bisa menjernihkan air keruh?
I'll try to explain about it....
Air menjadi keruh karena adanya partikel-partikel pencemar. Stabilitas partikel-partikel bahan pencemar ini dapat diganggu dengan pembubuhan koagulan.Tawas (Al(OH)3)di dalam air akan terhidrolisis dan hasil akhir berupa koloid melalui proses koagulasi.Pada penjernihan air, dispersi koloid yang bermuatan positif seperti tawas (ionnya bermuatan positif, Al 3+)ditambahkan ke dalam sol padat yang bermuatan negatif sehingga partikel yang ad di dalamnya mengendap. endapan tersebut baru bisa dipisahkan melalui penyaringan.
Eat metals to keep our body healthy (continue..)
Besi (Fe)
Jumlah seluruh besi di dalam tubuh orang dewasa terdapat sekitar 3.5 g, di mana 70 persennya terdapat dalam hemoglobin, 25 persennya merupakan besi cadangan (iron storage) yang terdiri dari feritin edan homossiderin terdapat dalam hati, limfa dan sum-sum tulang. Besi simpanan berfungsi sebagai cadangan untuk memproduksi homoglobin dan ikatan-ikatan besi lainnya yang mempunyai fungsi fisiologis.
Sumber besi di antaranya adalah: telur, daging, ikan, tepung, gandum,roti sayuran hijau, hati, bayam, kacang-kacangan, kentang, jagung dan otot.
Fungsi besi di antaranya adalah :
1.Untuk pembentukan hemoglobin baru.
2.Untuk mengembalikan hemoglobin kepada nilai normalnya setelah terjadi pendarahan.
3.Untuk mengimbangi sejumlah kecil zat besi yang secara konstan dikeluarkan tubuh, terutama lewat urine, feses dan keringat.
4.Untuk menggantikan kehilangan zat besi lewat darah tubug.
5.Pada laktasi untuk sekresi air susu.
Jumlah seluruh besi di dalam tubuh orang dewasa terdapat sekitar 3.5 g, di mana 70 persennya terdapat dalam hemoglobin, 25 persennya merupakan besi cadangan (iron storage) yang terdiri dari feritin edan homossiderin terdapat dalam hati, limfa dan sum-sum tulang. Besi simpanan berfungsi sebagai cadangan untuk memproduksi homoglobin dan ikatan-ikatan besi lainnya yang mempunyai fungsi fisiologis.
Sumber besi di antaranya adalah: telur, daging, ikan, tepung, gandum,roti sayuran hijau, hati, bayam, kacang-kacangan, kentang, jagung dan otot.
Fungsi besi di antaranya adalah :
1.Untuk pembentukan hemoglobin baru.
2.Untuk mengembalikan hemoglobin kepada nilai normalnya setelah terjadi pendarahan.
3.Untuk mengimbangi sejumlah kecil zat besi yang secara konstan dikeluarkan tubuh, terutama lewat urine, feses dan keringat.
4.Untuk menggantikan kehilangan zat besi lewat darah tubug.
5.Pada laktasi untuk sekresi air susu.
Senin, 04 Mei 2009
Laut Sumber Emas...

Here is the chemical composition of seawater..Log on this website..
Kamis, 30 April 2009

Bagaimana warna-warna itu dapat kita lihat?
Our eyes are sensitive to light which lies in a very small region of the electromagnetic spectrum labeled "visible light". This "visible light" corresponds to a wavelength range of 400 - 700 nanometers (nm) and a color range of violet through red. The human eye is not capable of "seeing" radiation with wavelengths outside the visible spectrum. The visible colors from shortest to longest wavelength are: violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Ultraviolet radiation has a shorter wavelength than the visible violet light. Infrared radiation has a longer wavelength than visible red light. The white light is a mixture of the colors of the visible spectrum. Black is a total absence of light.
Rabu, 29 April 2009
Chemistry In Our Daily Life

Ofcourse u did ,Right?
Para penjual es puter biasanya menaburkan garam dapur pada es batu disekeliling wadah es puternya? Mengapa demikian?
Salt is used to make homemade ice cream. Salt also used on sidewalks and roads, used to melt the ice and snow and keep it from refreezing.In both cases, the salt works by lowering the melting or freezing point of water. The effect is termed 'freezing point depression'.
Penambahan garam justru akan membuat es meleleh, es yang ditambah garam akan memiliki titik beku yang lebih rendah daripada air murni. Sehingga membutuhkan panas yang lebih untuk meleleh. When salt is put on ice, it dissolves on the ice's watery surface. In the process, heat is absorbed. The salt also causes the ice to melt quickly—another process that absorbs heat from the surroundings.So, es krim yang berada disekitar es yang ditaburi garam tersebut dapat membeku.
Jumat, 17 April 2009
Eat Metals to Keep Our body Healthy
Do you know that metals is very important to our body? Now ,paling tidak telah diakui 14 elemen renik yang berperan esensial bagi kehidupan hewan dan manusia (Cotzias GC, Miller ST dkk, 1976), yaitu besi, iodium, tembaga, seng, mangan, kobalt, molibdenum, selenium, kromium, nikel, timah, silikon, dan vanadium.
Those element are needed to metabolism process in our body....
To be continued....
Those element are needed to metabolism process in our body....
To be continued....
Eat Metals to Keep Our body Healthy
Do you know that metals is very important to our body? Now ,paling tidak telah diakui 14 elemen renik yang berperan esensial bagi kehidupan hewan dan manusia (Cotzias GC, Miller ST dkk, 1976), yaitu besi, iodium, tembaga, seng, mangan, kobalt, molibdenum, selenium, kromium, nikel, timah, silikon, dan vanadium.
Those element are needed to metabolism process in our body....
To be continued....
Those element are needed to metabolism process in our body....
To be continued....
Rabu, 18 Maret 2009
"Green Tea, Powerful anti-oxydant"
Do you like to drink tea?
There are several health benefits linked to the consumption of green tea, and in the last few decades several studies have been conducted to see just how widespread these benef
its are. Green Tea is believed to help maintain weight, promote weight loss, decrease the risk of various cancers and prevent heart disease.
Several studies have been conducted all over the world regarding the health benefits of regular green tea consumption. Many of the studies are still underway, and include theories that green tea will help stop neurodegenerative diseases, prevent cancer, and treat multiple sclerosis. Although many of the theories have yet to be proved; many swear that regular drinking of green tea will produce long-term health benefits.
There are several health benefits linked to the consumption of green tea, and in the last few decades several studies have been conducted to see just how widespread these benef

Several studies have been conducted all over the world regarding the health benefits of regular green tea consumption. Many of the studies are still underway, and include theories that green tea will help stop neurodegenerative diseases, prevent cancer, and treat multiple sclerosis. Although many of the theories have yet to be proved; many swear that regular drinking of green tea will produce long-term health benefits.
Jumat, 27 Februari 2009
Molecular Orbital Energy Levels Diagram
HCl is a simple heteronuclear diatomic molecule. The valence ao’s for this molecule are simply the H 1s and the 3s, 3px, 3py, 3pz ao’s of chlorine.
This following are the molecular orbital energy levels diagram of hydrogen chloride....

This following are the molecular orbital energy levels diagram of hydrogen chloride....

HCl has four pairs of valence electrons, yields the electronic configuration
(3s)2 (σ3px)2 (π3py)2 (π3pz)2 (σ3p*)
And shows three lone pairs (the 3s and pπn pairs) and one bond pair (from pσ)
I have been looking for the KF molecular orbital energy levels diagram, but I found HF ones. Here it is......
(3s)2 (σ3px)2 (π3py)2 (π3pz)2 (σ3p*)
And shows three lone pairs (the 3s and pπn pairs) and one bond pair (from pσ)
I have been looking for the KF molecular orbital energy levels diagram, but I found HF ones. Here it is......

I still lack of knowledge about MOT
I have’nt understood
Would you mind to give me an explanation....
Thankyou so much...
I have’nt understood
Would you mind to give me an explanation....
Thankyou so much...
Cu in the next project for KF diagram
I'll do it as soon as possible....
Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

Ofcourse you did, right?
Especially in new year celebration, fireworks usually used to make beautiful scenery in the sky...
Fireworks throw out various colors, such as red,blue ,yellow etc.....
Do you know that these various colors come from metals flame?
Ya, berbagai macam warna yang muncul dari kembang api merupakan warna nyala dari logam, terutama logam alkali. Warna nyala tersebut muncul dari spektrum emisi yang dihasilkan logam tersebut. Ketika atom diberi energi (dipanaskan) elektronnya akan tereksitasi ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Ketika energi itu dihentikan, maka elektronnya akan kembali lagi ke tingkat dasar sehingga memancarkan energi radiasi elektromagnetik.
Menurut Neils Bohr, besarnya energi yang dipancarkan oleh setiap atom jumlahnya tertentu (terkuantitas) dalam bentuk spektrum emisi. Sebagian anggota spektrum terletak di daerah sinar tampak sehingga akan memberikan warna-warna yang jelas dan khas untuk setiap atom.
Semoga bermanfaat
Selasa, 24 Februari 2009
NaCl...Bakso...Fried Rice
I thought that you have already knew about sodium chloride (NaCl). NaCl is very popular compound, isnt it?...Everyone know it although they called it in another name,salt.
One day...my lecturer asked her student......
What is the different between salt in spice of "bakso" and fried rice???Oh no..no...no...Actually the question is Apa bedanya bumbu bakso dengan bumbu nasi goreng...?
Lets thinking about it......
One day...my lecturer asked her student......
What is the different between salt in spice of "bakso" and fried rice???Oh no..no...no...Actually the question is Apa bedanya bumbu bakso dengan bumbu nasi goreng...?
Lets thinking about it......
NaCl(s) has relatively strong ionic bonds between particles.
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) physical properties are:
1. no conductivity because there are no free moving electrons or ions, unless dissolved, NaCl(aq) or melted, NaCl(l)
2. not malleable because particles cannot slide pass one another
3. relatively high solubility
4. relatively hard because ionic bonds are relatively strong
5. high melting point because ionic bonds are relatively strong
6. high boiling point because ionic bonds are relatively strong
Pada bumbu bakso garam langsung dimasukkan begitu saja kedalam kuah bakso,tetapi pada nasi goreng garam terkadang dengan bawang putih atau bumbu lainnya dilarutkan terlebih dahulu dengan air. Mengapa demikian...?
Hal ini bertujuan agar garam tersebut dapat bercampur secara merata, karena apabila tidak dilarutkan terlebih dahulu garam akan sulit meleleh karena titik lelehnya yang tinggi.
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) physical properties are:
1. no conductivity because there are no free moving electrons or ions, unless dissolved, NaCl(aq) or melted, NaCl(l)

2. not malleable because particles cannot slide pass one another
3. relatively high solubility
4. relatively hard because ionic bonds are relatively strong
5. high melting point because ionic bonds are relatively strong
6. high boiling point because ionic bonds are relatively strong
Pada bumbu bakso garam langsung dimasukkan begitu saja kedalam kuah bakso,tetapi pada nasi goreng garam terkadang dengan bawang putih atau bumbu lainnya dilarutkan terlebih dahulu dengan air. Mengapa demikian...?
Hal ini bertujuan agar garam tersebut dapat bercampur secara merata, karena apabila tidak dilarutkan terlebih dahulu garam akan sulit meleleh karena titik lelehnya yang tinggi.
Sehingga rasa asin bisa jadi tidak merata karena garam masih berbentuk kristal.
Thats all....
If there any correction send it in to my blog
Semoga bermanfaat....
Kamis, 19 Februari 2009
1st Assignment Inorganic Chemistry Assignment (2009/02/18)
Different types of bonding can occur when two atoms combine. They are covalent, ionic, and metallic bonding. Silver, iron, platinum, gold, and copper, all form metallic bonds. Most metals have silver color but gold has golden yellow color and copper has red copper color. Why gold and copper have the different color among the others? Lets see the answer......
Metallic bonds are strong bond. These strong bond consists of positively charged metal atoms in fixed positions, surrounded by delocalized electrons. These delocalized electrons are often referred to as "a sea of electrons,"
According to band theory, overlapping energy levels form bands. The mobility of electrons exposed to an electric field depends on the width of the energy bands, and their proximity to other electrons. In metallic substances, empty bands can overlap with bands containing electrons. The electrons of a particular atom are able to move to what would normally be a higher-level state, with little or no additional energy. The outer electrons are said to be "free," and ready to move in the presence of an electric field.
Some substances do not experience band overlap, no matter how many atoms are in close proximity. For these substances, a large gap remains between the highest band containing electrons (the valence band) and the next band, which is empty (the conduction band). As a result, valence electrons are bound to a particular atom and cannot become mobile without a significant amount of energy being made available. These substances are electrical insulators.
If the efficiency decreases with increasing energy, as in the case for gold and copper, the reduced reflectivity at the blue end of the spectrum produces yellow and reddish colors.
So, why copper and gold are yellow and red, while most other metals are silver?
You know the answer...Are’nt you?
Thanks, cu ..............
Different types of bonding can occur when two atoms combine. They are covalent, ionic, and metallic bonding. Silver, iron, platinum, gold, and copper, all form metallic bonds. Most metals have silver color but gold has golden yellow color and copper has red copper color. Why gold and copper have the different color among the others? Lets see the answer......
Metallic bonds are strong bond. These strong bond consists of positively charged metal atoms in fixed positions, surrounded by delocalized electrons. These delocalized electrons are often referred to as "a sea of electrons,"
According to band theory, overlapping energy levels form bands. The mobility of electrons exposed to an electric field depends on the width of the energy bands, and their proximity to other electrons. In metallic substances, empty bands can overlap with bands containing electrons. The electrons of a particular atom are able to move to what would normally be a higher-level state, with little or no additional energy. The outer electrons are said to be "free," and ready to move in the presence of an electric field.
Some substances do not experience band overlap, no matter how many atoms are in close proximity. For these substances, a large gap remains between the highest band containing electrons (the valence band) and the next band, which is empty (the conduction band). As a result, valence electrons are bound to a particular atom and cannot become mobile without a significant amount of energy being made available. These substances are electrical insulators.
The highest energy level occupied(dipakai) by electrons is called the Fermi energy, Fermi level, or Fermi surface. Above the Fermi level, energy levels are empty (empty at absolute zero), and can accept excited electrons. The surface of a metal can absorb all wavelengths of incident light, and excited electrons jump to a higher unoccupied energy level. This creates current, which rapidly discharges to emit a photon of light of the same wavelength. So, most of the incident light is immediately re-emitted at the surface, creating the metallic luster(kilau) we see in gold, silver, copper, and other metals. This is why most metals are white or silver, and a smooth surface will be highly reflective, since it does not allow light to penetrate deeply.
If the efficiency of absorption and re-emission is approximately equal at all optical energies, then all the different colors in white light will be reflected equally well. This leads to the silver color of polished iron and silver surfaces.
The efficiency of this emission process depends on selection rules. However, even when the energy supplied is sufficient, and an energy level transition is permitted by the selection rules, this transition may not yield(menghasilkan) appreciable(cukup besar) absorption. This can happen because the energy level accommodates a small number of electrons.
For most metals, a single continuous band extends through to high energies. Inside this band, each energy level accommodates only so many electrons (we call this the density of states). The available electrons fill the band structure to the level of the Fermi surface and the density of states varies as energy increases (the shape is based on which energy levels
broaden to form the various parts of the band).
If the efficiency of absorption and re-emission is approximately equal at all optical energies, then all the different colors in white light will be reflected equally well. This leads to the silver color of polished iron and silver surfaces.
The efficiency of this emission process depends on selection rules. However, even when the energy supplied is sufficient, and an energy level transition is permitted by the selection rules, this transition may not yield(menghasilkan) appreciable(cukup besar) absorption. This can happen because the energy level accommodates a small number of electrons.
For most metals, a single continuous band extends through to high energies. Inside this band, each energy level accommodates only so many electrons (we call this the density of states). The available electrons fill the band structure to the level of the Fermi surface and the density of states varies as energy increases (the shape is based on which energy levels

If the efficiency decreases with increasing energy, as in the case for gold and copper, the reduced reflectivity at the blue end of the spectrum produces yellow and reddish colors.
So, why copper and gold are yellow and red, while most other metals are silver?
You know the answer...Are’nt you?
Thanks, cu ..............
Senin, 16 Februari 2009
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