Ofcourse u did ,Right?
Para penjual es puter biasanya menaburkan garam dapur pada es batu disekeliling wadah es puternya? Mengapa demikian?
Salt is used to make homemade ice cream. Salt also used on sidewalks and roads, used to melt the ice and snow and keep it from refreezing.In both cases, the salt works by lowering the melting or freezing point of water. The effect is termed 'freezing point depression'.
Penambahan garam justru akan membuat es meleleh, es yang ditambah garam akan memiliki titik beku yang lebih rendah daripada air murni. Sehingga membutuhkan panas yang lebih untuk meleleh. When salt is put on ice, it dissolves on the ice's watery surface. In the process, heat is absorbed. The salt also causes the ice to melt quickly—another process that absorbs heat from the surroundings.So, es krim yang berada disekitar es yang ditaburi garam tersebut dapat membeku.
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